Fab on a Dime
Fab on a dime
In addition to her work as a soprano, Ashley Fabian enjoys her work as a Certified Financial Education Instructor℠. As the creator of Fab on a Dime, she teaches courses on personal finance and aims to reach self employed artists who want to build strategies and develop skills to become financially free. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and can be seen and heard on multiple platforms, masterclasses, webinars, and podcasts. On her website, you can find resources such as “$urvival Guide for Singers”, an extensive course built specifically for singers to conquer their finances, and a free printable budget for singers. She also hosts a video series on her YouTube channel entitled “Wasting No Time with Fab on a Dime”, where financial topics are covered in 60 seconds or less. Follow along on her journey on Instagram and Facebook.